A fast reliable, safe internet connection is an essential must have for schools to effectively operate on a day to day basis. With numerous devices connecting to it during the school day, a broadband service similar to those used at home won’t meet your needs
EasiPC partner with the leading UK provider for education connectivity and currently provide broadband connectivity to over 90 schools and academies.
If you are looking to change your ISP, these are just some of the things you can expect from EasiPC:
EXA Education are an award winning broadband provider.
We can provide ADSL, FTTC, leased line and bonded solutions.
Local support through EasiPC.
LEA approved content filtering system with SurfProtect®.
Configuration and installation of broadband router.
Assistance with the transition from existing broadband provider.
Assist with the provisioning of new broadband lines through our 3rd party provider.
To find out more about EasiPC and the services they offer please contact CSCBG at buy@cscbg.org.uk
CSCBG has negotiated preferential pricing with EasiPC for all CSCBG members.
Sign up for membership at https://www.memberscscbg.org.u...
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• No joining fees
• No ongoing membership fees
• No minimum purchase criteria
• Absolutely no hidden costs