01908 663958

Suppliers from CSC Buying Group

CSCBG facilitates quality products and services at specially negotiated prices for the members we serve; providing those in ministry and the not for profit sector with purchasing advantages.

Finding the right product from the right supplier at the right price can be a challenge and very time-consuming. We've secured a range of contracts from thoroughly vetted suppliers at highly competitive prices to make sure you get the best results - click on the suppliers below to find out more information

Make the Move to CSC Buying Group Pricing

If you already have an account with any of our suppliers, you can switch your account onto the CSC Buying Group pricing profile by using one simple form. Download the form below, complete it and print it on your letterhead. Then sign it, scan it & return it to CSC Buying Group by email.

CSC Buying Group Suppliers

Click on each suppliers logo for more information or view the sub categories below

Featured Suppliers

Our suppliers offer the following: Click on each heading to find out more

Ready to Join?

Complete our online application ðŸ‘‰ HERE.


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