FREE Virtual Conferences/Webinars
Watch the 'Managing Risk' webinar - if you missed it - the webinar recording is available by clicking the link and registering. Whatever stage of your risk management journey you are at, and regardless of the size of your organisation or the industry sector you work in, HSE aim to help you control the risks in your workplace.
An Introduction to Hybrid Working - 28th July - Research shows that a more flexible approach to working practices is here to stay. Whether you want to find out what hybrid working is, are trying to decide if it is right for your business or are looking at introducing it in your workplace, these webinars will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.
An Introduction to Hybrid Working - 29th July - (as above)
Recruit, Retain, Reward Volunteers - 9th/24th August (via ZOOM) - As we move through the road map out of restrictions, and head towards post pandemic, we understand volunteering has changed for volunteers and volunteer involving organisations. This session looks at volunteering as we travel through the road map, towards post pandemic. What does the future hold in terms of recruitment, retention and recognition? This is particularly for Northern Ireland, but principles may apply to other administrative areas.
Bid Writing: The Basics - online via zoom
2nd August, 23rd August, 6th September
Bid Writing : Advanced - online via zoom
3rd August, 24th August, 7th August
Trustee Training - August/September (online)
Support Raising Training - August/September (online)
Fundraising - 24th August (online)
Impact Strategy for Churches/Charities - 18th August (online)